About Panchkarma

The treatment planned for the elimination of increased morbid doshas from the body is known as panchkarma therapy. It is also termed as sodhan (purification) therapy. It consists of Vaman (Induced vomiting), Virechana (Induced purgation), Asthapan basti (medicated decoction enema), Anuvasan basti (medicated oil enema) and Nasya (nasal administration of medicine).

And one is indicate in sushruta samhita that is Rakta mokshan (Blood letting).

Before undertaking the above five purificatory processes some treatment is to be given, which is called purva karma (pre-procedure). It consists of snehana (internal & external oleation) and swedana (herbal steam bath). In the post procedure the patient is taken to normal diet gradually and this is called samsarjana krama (dietetic).

Today’s our hectic lifestyle, which results in improper diet producing waste materials or toxin in the body which are not beneficial for the body. Toxins are not properly excreted through the body, resulting in the hazardous accumulation. These can evolve into serious specific diseases, ultimately damaging an individual’s health and wellness. The ancient Indian science of Ayurveda mentions certain procedures which help in preventing diseases ‘rather than curing a person after the diseases has occurred.

Panchkarma is a group of five procedures which help to remove the waste material from the body, helping in the elimination of the root cause and resulting in quick control over the diseases. It is a unique, natural, holistic, health-giving series of therapeutic treatments that cleanse the body’s deep tissues of toxins, open the subtle channels and bring life-enhancing energy thereby increasing vitality, inner peace, confidence and well-being. It’s also called Shodhana treatment. Panchkarma main aims are removal of the causative factors of somatic and psychosomatic diseases. The process involves internal and external purification (.Shodhana) therapies expel the aggravated doshas from the body. Panchakarma treatment focuses on metabolic management. It provides needed purificatory effect, besides conferring therapeutic benefits. This treatment is especially helpful in neurological disorders, musculo-skeletal disease conditions, certain vascular or neuro-vascular states, respiratory diseases, metabolic and degenerative disorders.